Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006

HOWTO_ Create an SWT Carbon Application with Eclipse under Mac OS X

It took quite some hours until I was able to get a simple "Hello World" SWT Application running under Mac OS X. Finally, it was all about copying and including the right libraries.


Copy the following files out of Eclipse's plugins directory to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4/Libraries or /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5/Libraries, depending on which Java version your are using.
  • libswt-carbon-3139.jnilib
  • libswt-pi-carbon-3139.jnilib
  • libswt-webkit-carbon-3139.jnilib


Create a new Java project in Eclipse and add the following external Jars to the project's build path. You will also find them in the plugin folder of your Eclipse installation.
  • org.eclipse.swt_3.1.0.jar
  • org.eclipse.swt.carbon.macosx.ppc_3.1.1.jar
  • org.eclipse.jface_3.1.1.jar
  • org.eclipse.jface.text_3.1.1.jar
  • org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.1.1.jar
The versions of the libraries might differ to the Eclipse version you are using. But as all of them are being shipped with Eclipse, it is all a thing of having the right libraries in the right directory :).


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