Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008

VIDEO_ Convert TS to MPG

I have some DVB-T recordings made as a MPEG2 transport stream (file ending .ts). Unfortunately, the latest version of TerraTec Cut! cannot handle these. It just loads them, scans until the end of the first video (in most cases there are multiple videos contained in the stream) and then won't do anything more. So I was looking for a way to convert these to the "standard" MPEG2 program stream (PS) with file ending .mpg which Cut! handles without any problem.

Download and unpack PVAStrumento. Start the GUI, open the .ts-file and click make ps. Name an output file and and press start.

Now you will have a single mpg-file for each of the videos contained. Just delete the files you do not need, e.g. adverts, previews etc and you are finished.


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